Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Everyone will be salted with fire."

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Every time I’ve read the words “Everyone will be salted with fire” I’ve scratched head wondering what that phrase means.  There are lots theories about it.  The one that makes the most sense to me says that Jesus was talking about the purifying qualities of salt.  Rub a little salt into the wound and it will sting mightily, but the salt will help cleanse the wound.  Often times, healing hurts even more than the wound.  Grieving the death of a loved one often times hurts more than the death, but grief is a natural and important part of the healing process.  People with cancer are treated with chemicals that cause tremendous sickness and pain, but without those treatments, the cancer will take their lives. When war has been waged and battles go on long enough leaving behind death, homelessness, the destruction of society and hate, enemies must ultimately sit down together and negotiate the terms for peace.  When we sin we have to feel the effects of our shame, they cannot be ignored forever.  They are there to help us seek reconciliaiton, mercy and forgiveness.

"Everyone will be salted with fire.  To avoid suffering and pain is to choose a life without salt, and Jesus does not encourage that kind of existence because life in the kingdom of God is all about being purified, perfected; we are being made whole.  Healing is always God’s desire for us.  Unfortunately the healing process is often very painful.  But when the throbbing stops, and we are able to open our eyes and our hearts to God’s gracious and merciful love, we can authentically say, “Thank God for salt.  It really does make life taste good.”

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