Friday, February 25, 2011
Mark 10:1-12
One of the greatest longings of the human heart is a loving union so intimate, so powerful and good nothing in the universe could ever break its bond. Marriage in the Church is the closest thing we have to such a union as the two are joined becoming one flesh. This union is impossible, though, without God’s grace to unite them. That grace is there every day. It is given in divine abundance to those who are joined in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. But how open are couples to receiving and sharing that grace with each other? The bond of Holy Matrimony can only be as strong as the relationship the husband and wife each have with God. No matter how much they might love each other, if prayer is not part of their relationship with God, who is the divine and silent partner in their marriage, then it is merely tenacity, hard work, some stubbornness and luck that keeps them together. Openness to God’s grace in a loving, and intimate friendship with God is the key to living as one flesh. It takes three for two to live as one.